Thanks for stopping by!

So I'm a young mom, very interested in putting forth my greastest effort to better myself, my family and my planet. This quest (and chronic diaper rash) lead me to begin cloth diapering my one-year-old daughter.

I've finally gotten around to starting a blog and most entries will probably be reviews on different varieties of diapers and natural/organic baby products and the ocassional mom-thing.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bumgenius Cloth Diaper Detergent

Last week I recieved my first box of Bumgenius' new diaper detergent. The detergent was developed in partnership with Country Save, a well-liked and respected brand in the diaper laundering world. My first impression when the box landed on my doorstep via UPS ( ships detergents free with UPS...nice) was "that can't be it...that's way too small". Well, that was it. The box of powdered detergent is about 5"x8"x4" and contains an advertised 66 loads worth of suds.
I'm hoping I can get this to last at least 3 months so I don't feel so ridiculous for spending 12 bucks on suck a tiny box, but we'll see.
I'm not super impressed so far, but I don't hate it yet. I think I just need to adjust the amount I'm using.

I'm pretty sure I won't be buying this box of soap again...I read the day after purchasing it that if you compare this detergent with regular Country Save the ingredients are exactly the same. And, since I can get a large box of it at the comissary for about 6 bucks I'll be going with that in the future.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New Bumgenius 4.0 Artist collection prints~ review

   Today at 1pm  central time Cotton Babies released a new line of prints. I've been anticipating the launch since the day they announced they were coming...Unfortunately I was a bit let down when after watching the youtube cast. But I've looked back a few times throughout the day and have to say they're growing on me!

     I love BG 4.0's, and can't wait for Cotton Babies to bring back the brights (clementine, zinnia, ribbit and moonbeam) and put out more patterns.

     Bumgenius makes my favorite diapers. I have tried several other brands of pocket diapers and BGs keep my daughter driest the longest, absorb the most urine, wick moisture away the fastest and fit the best.
The price on these is also unbeatable! $17.95 for a one size diaper is an average of 5 bucks less than other brands! Fuzzibunz retail for $19.95, Kissaluvs $23.95 and Rumparooz $22.95, while some all in one or pockets go for upwards of $30 a pop!! Bumgenius is also very consistent in pricing; the Aplix version of their diaper and the snap version cost the very same.

    Bumgenius 4.0's feature a super soft, no-pill stay dry inside with the stuff pocket at the back of the diaper. These are a snap-to-size diapers that fit from approximately 8- 35 lbs, possibly even heavier depending on your little ones body type! They're designed to fit after your babies umbilical stump falls off, though most mommies don't have great success with them until around 4 months and up. I didn't start using them on my daughter until she was about 25 pounds ( when i finally got up the nerve to divert from prefolds and pony up the dough! ) but I do intend to use them on our next child, who we're still trying to conceive. But I've only had wicking or leak issues once or twice in the several months that I've been a devoted Bumgenius user- on heavy soaking nights.

   I've highly recommended the 4.0's to every cloth-mom I know, and continue to do so! They're definitely worth the money, and if you come across a seconds sale, THAT'S the time to spring for them.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Diaper Junction Gift certificate giveaway

so diaper junction is doing this giveaway-I want to win!!!
check it out, enter before the first week of Octboer!

what would i buy with a 500 dollar gift certificate for cloth dipes?
i'd get a couple of all the dipes i haven't tried- happy heiny, baby kicks, rumparooz (though i do have one coming in the mail!!) and *drumroll* swaddlebees...they're so damn expensive but get great reviews and have gorgeous patterns!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Diaper Rash

Last week my daughter's hiney was a horrible mess of red bumpy patches. Yes, it was the dreaded-slightly yeasty diaper rash.
I use mostly Bumgenius pocket diapers on her so rash cream is a no-no...Which is heart breaking when I open a diaper and see her ouchy bum and know that cream would be so soothing...But I really didn't want to ruin her rather new stash of pocket diapers...especially at 12-25 bucks a pop.
So I caved. I opened up my package of Flip disposable inserts yesterday and slathered on the Balmex (it's not an all natural product...but Oh.My.God does it work!) Guess what? Her rash is gone today.
I guess real life really does demand options now and then...which is almost word for word the Flip slogan. lol

Monday, September 13, 2010

Dirty Laundry. Diaper Laundry that is!

I woke up this morning and wasn't quite sure what to write about-I knew I should write; both for myself and possibly someone interested in cloth that stumbles upon my blog someday...
I looked around my house and realized that all of my pocket diapers are hanging to dry on anything that will stand still! (I may just make a trip to bed bath beyond for one of those drying racks this evening....) So I figured why not talk about washing diapers? It's what everyone asks first when you tell them you use cloth: "what do you do with the poop? do you shake it off behind a tree??" I'm serious, I've had multiple people say those exact words to me...
I have about 10 pocket diapers currently and i always use them at nap and overnight plus whenever we're out of the house etc. In addition to pockets ( I love bumgenius 3.0's and their newer diaper, the 4.0) I use Indian cotton prefolds and stay dry doublers, which are a couple layers of microfiber topped with fleece to wick moisture-I have around 10 of those, all of which are never used up when it's time to wash-but it's great to be prepared. The purpose of telling you how many diapers I have is to lead up to the explanation of my diaper pail. I don't have multiple kids in diapers and i don't have a newborn that goes through 10-15 diapers a day, so all I need to make it every 2-3 days for laundry is a large paint bucket. You know the kind, they live in the home improvement section of walmart and sometimes fall out of work trucks and splatter the highway with white! Yep, those. They cost all of 4 dollars with lid included and come with a handy dandy handle to cart to the laundry room.
     So, now that we've discussed the business of storing the stink, I'll move on to washing it up! Bumgenius manufacturers recommend using 1/4 the amount of detergent yours says to use. I say save yourself the horror of detergent residue, rashes and stripping diapers and go with a laundry soap from their website I like Nellie's Natural Laundry Soda right now, but I really haven't tried any others besides Biokleen, which was horrible. Bumgenius has also recently started manufacturing their own powdered detergent which I'll probably try when I'm out of Nelllie's!
The tags on my Bumgenius say one cold wash, one hot wash (both with detergent) and an extra rinse. Personally, I rinse out overnight diaper pee because it stinks something awful, so I think that one wash with detergent is more than sufficient. I start a hot load, add my 1 tbsp. of Nellie's and every few washes 1/2-1 scoop of OxiClean Free and then toss the diapers in. I let the first cycle run, then run another hot cycle to really rinse any residue away. If I happen to be doing just prefolds adding a cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle really softens them up!! I hang dry all of the  covers and pocket diapers and dry prefolds, inserts, doublers and cloth wipes on high. It's a good routine :)

Friday, September 10, 2010


I'd like to take a moment to express my appreciation and downright adoration of's seriously a miracle. I just soaked clean, but pretty stained cloth diaper wipes in a scoop and a gallon of hot water and an hour later they look brand new. I'm such a fan. In fact...I'm heading to facebook right now to 'become a fan' of OxiClean.

RIP Billy Mays

Flips Diaper covers by Cotton Babies

     Today's entry comes from the floor of my daughters bedroom. I should be dividing toys  into the organizer I got last night....but my laptop is so much more fun. Besides-having a toddler brush your hair while you type is incredibly therapeutic. 
 is currently having a "seconds" sale- factory seconds consist of merchandise that just wasn't up to par so it wasn't shipped in their everyday orders- this could mean a crooked seam, a misplaced snap or something as superficial as a dirt mark on the fabric. Well, no matter what insignificant "defect" these diapers may have they mean one thing to me: Smokin' deals! We're talking over 30% off!!
     I have placed over a dozen orders to CottonBabies since i started cloth diapering- and as soon as I got an email saying it was seconds' season I sprung into action and purchased a few BumGenius 3.0's, 8 xs BumGenius AIO's (all in one diapers, meaning a no-stuff, one step diaper almost exactly like a 'sposie!!) for when I have our next child, a Flip diaper cover and another Econobum diaper cover (more on the brands and what I love later)
     This time around I'd like to do a short review on the Flip cover that I received in the mail 3 days ago and just used for the first time this morning!    The flip system was designed by CottonBabies for a family that just needs some versatility and options. The Flip covers work with regular cloth diapers whether you choose prefolds, contours or fitteds-but are meant specifically to go with their brand of inserts. You have three options: Stay dry- wicks moisture away from your dear one's behind, Organic-you get the idea and Disposable inserts that can just be tossed in the nearest trashcan. So far I just have the cover. I got it on sale for $9.95 rather than $13.95- I did order some disposable inserts but those will be reserved for camping and road trips! Overall, it's a good cover. I'd give it 4.5 out of 5...But only because it doesn't have a double gusseted leg! Its a nice fit, very stretchy and comfy for my Adrienne to run around it. When I changed her after about 2 and a half hours her doubler and prefold were soaked but I didn't have any leaks. That's a successful grocery shopping trip for me :) As for the covers, I'm really not in need of ANY more (I have 7 or 8 in her current size) but I'll definitely purchase more once we know the gender of our yet-to-be-conceived little one!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reasons I hate disposables

     What can I say about disposable diapers? Honestly-they're very convenient and incredibly easy. But personally, I'm just not willing to sacrifice my daughter, my money or the environment for spending 30 seconds less on a diaper change.
     My daughter came home form the hospital in pampers swaddlers like most babies since that's what hospitals have on hand. They were tiny and adorable and smelled like you expect babies to smell (I now know that that's the smell of chemical fragrances and other such ick) They were kind of stiff and didnt seem very soft inside but the hospital used them so they must be ok, right?? No. I got lucky and these dipes never gave Adrienne a rash, but I've heard and read about countless preemies and full-terms getting angry red hineys from these. My beef with pampers was that they didn't hold in the poop. I breastfed my daughter for 15 months and the first 3 months+ are full of terrifying, explosive breastmilk poops. They shoot right up the back and out of the diaper onto the onesie, the tiny little pants, the blanket the cribsheet...and anything else that looks at your baby sideways. I think i've gone off on a tangent; Pampers don't contain poop. Period.
     Next option? Huggies of course! Huggies had just begun maufacturing a "Natural" diaper that was free of some of the icky caca chemicals and whatnot that the originals and other brands contained. These were incredibly soft and didn't smell perfumed. They seemed very squishy and comfortable. I strapped one on her and went about my day until the next diaper change. I opened the diaper and saw and incredibly red, pissed-off behind. These Huggies sucked! We tried every version of Huggies available and all of them gave my daughter terrible, raw, yeasty rashes.
     We went back and forth between Luvs and different store brands to see if anything could fix my little girls' unhappy hiney. Never had any luck. Even chlorine free Seventh Generation didposable diapers gave her a rash- not to mention were hard as a brick when wet.

Obviously my main reason to shun 'sposies is the wet, chemical-laden piece of paper rubbing my kids' butt raw.
Secondly, I hate waste. I estimate that I tossed about 50 lbs of wet and dirty diapers a week before switching to cloth. 50 lbs of diapers that could take up to 500 years to actually break down....and by then we'll all be smack in the middle of Disney Pixar's Wall-e!
