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So I'm a young mom, very interested in putting forth my greastest effort to better myself, my family and my planet. This quest (and chronic diaper rash) lead me to begin cloth diapering my one-year-old daughter.

I've finally gotten around to starting a blog and most entries will probably be reviews on different varieties of diapers and natural/organic baby products and the ocassional mom-thing.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reasons I hate disposables

     What can I say about disposable diapers? Honestly-they're very convenient and incredibly easy. But personally, I'm just not willing to sacrifice my daughter, my money or the environment for spending 30 seconds less on a diaper change.
     My daughter came home form the hospital in pampers swaddlers like most babies since that's what hospitals have on hand. They were tiny and adorable and smelled like you expect babies to smell (I now know that that's the smell of chemical fragrances and other such ick) They were kind of stiff and didnt seem very soft inside but the hospital used them so they must be ok, right?? No. I got lucky and these dipes never gave Adrienne a rash, but I've heard and read about countless preemies and full-terms getting angry red hineys from these. My beef with pampers was that they didn't hold in the poop. I breastfed my daughter for 15 months and the first 3 months+ are full of terrifying, explosive breastmilk poops. They shoot right up the back and out of the diaper onto the onesie, the tiny little pants, the blanket the cribsheet...and anything else that looks at your baby sideways. I think i've gone off on a tangent; Pampers don't contain poop. Period.
     Next option? Huggies of course! Huggies had just begun maufacturing a "Natural" diaper that was free of some of the icky caca chemicals and whatnot that the originals and other brands contained. These were incredibly soft and didn't smell perfumed. They seemed very squishy and comfortable. I strapped one on her and went about my day until the next diaper change. I opened the diaper and saw and incredibly red, pissed-off behind. These Huggies sucked! We tried every version of Huggies available and all of them gave my daughter terrible, raw, yeasty rashes.
     We went back and forth between Luvs and different store brands to see if anything could fix my little girls' unhappy hiney. Never had any luck. Even chlorine free Seventh Generation didposable diapers gave her a rash- not to mention were hard as a brick when wet.

Obviously my main reason to shun 'sposies is the wet, chemical-laden piece of paper rubbing my kids' butt raw.
Secondly, I hate waste. I estimate that I tossed about 50 lbs of wet and dirty diapers a week before switching to cloth. 50 lbs of diapers that could take up to 500 years to actually break down....and by then we'll all be smack in the middle of Disney Pixar's Wall-e!


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